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6–8 декабря 2010 |Россия, Москва   семинар

International symposium "Investing in education — contribution to the future"


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

University of Bath (UK)

Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paolo (Brazil)

University of Cape Town (South Africa)

The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK).

With the official support of:

  • Moscow Department of Education
  • Department of state policy in education of the Russian Ministry of education and science
  • Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Institute of Sociology of Education (Russian Academy of Education)
Место проведения

Moscow, Sretenka st., 29 (Moscow State University of Psychology and Education)

Информационное письмо

International Symposium


In the frames of the project «Education, well being and the emergent economies of Brazil, Russia and South Africa»

December, 6-8th, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

The seminar participants are:

  • Minister of the Moscow Government, head of Moscow Department of Education I.I. Kalina,
  • children’s rights ombudsman in Moscow E.A. Bunimovich,
  • the Russian Public Chamber memeber E.L. Rachevsky,
  • head of the Department of state policy in education of the Russian Ministry of education and science I.M. Remorenko,
  • director of the RAE Institute for sociology in education V.S. Sobkin,
  • rector of the Institute of educational policy “Eurika” A.I. Adamsky,
  • first deputy head of the socio-psychological and pedagogical department of the Federal Penitentiary Service V.A. Zatonsky. 

Including foreign experts:

  • head of the project «Education, well being and the emergent economies of Brazil, Russia and South Africa», director of the Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research of the Bath University, professor Harry Daniels (Bath, UK),
  • professor Hugh Lauder (Bath, UK),
  • professor Angela Lessa (Sao Paolo, Brazil),
  • education psychology specialist Joanne Hardman (Cape Town, South Africa).

In Russia the project is headed by

The symposium special emphasis is made on the notion of educational environment safety. Changes in the system of socio-economical relationship and reforms in education create new alternatives and possibilities for development. At the same time they create the risk zones of increasing psychological tension and aggravation the problem of inequality in the sphere of education and upbringing. Multidisciplinary evaluation of these risks is on the agenda.

The symposium will consist of a range of plenary meetings and expert seminars. The symposium participant will be given an opportunity to have meetings with the policy-makers and discussions with the colleagues. In the course of the symposium press conference for the mass media will be held.

A wide range of questions concerning modernization of the education system as the most important standpoint for development of the nations’ potential will be discussed:

  • State educational policy in the context of ensuring economical stability and development of the society potential.
  • Changes in the lives of children and youths in the course of social, economical and political transformations in the country.
  • Problems in reforming the system of upbringing and education to facilitate sustainable and rapid economic growth of the society.
  • Maintaining socio-economical and personal well-being of children and youths through creation of safe educational environment.
  • Solving of the problem of inequality in educational provision. Education and upbringing of risk group children and youths.

Information about this event on a site of University of Bath.


Reperesentative of the Symposium organizational committee:
Anna Shvedovskaya
Tel: +7 (495) 608-16-27; +7 (916) 471-95-84
E-mail: anna.shvedovskaya@mgppu.ru

Press-centre coordinator: Olga Kalyagina
Tel: +7 (499) 256-41-09;  +7 (963) 694-88-79
E-mail: olga.kalyagina.mgppu@gmail.com

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